The chastity belt is a subject steeped in myth and misconception, often portrayed as a medieval device used to enforce female virtue through physical restraint. The image of a woman locked in an iron-clad device, her chastity safeguarded from infidelity, has become a symbol of male-dominated control and the obsession with sexual purity. Yet the […]
Kategoria: muinaiset seksuaaliset käytännöt
Delve into the complexities of sex during medieval times, uncovering notions of love, desire, and taboo in a period often misunderstood.
Pyhän prostituution salaisuuksien paljastaminen: Tutustu pyhän prostituution muinaiseen käytäntöön sen alkuperästä Mesopotamiassa sen kuuluisaan ilmenemismuotoon Ishtarin kultissa.