Le véganisme est-il une secte ?

is veganism a cult?

Is Veganism a cult? Over the past few decades, veganism has surged in popularity, transitioning from a niche dietary choice to a mainstream lifestyle embraced for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. What was once seen as a radical lifestyle has entered the global spotlight, thanks to celebrities, documentaries, and increasing awareness of climate change and … Lire la suite

Love Bombing : Comment les sectes et les amoureux vous contrôlent

love bombing

Love bombing is a term that has garnered increasing attention in discussions about toxic relationships. At its core, love bombing involves an overwhelming display of affection, attention, and praise, typically by one person toward another. While this might sound romantic at first, love bombing is often a manipulative tactic used by cults aimed at controlling … Lire la suite

Les bienfaits des ions négatifs : Comment les chutes d'eau stimulent la sérotonine

negative ions benefits

Waterfalls are among nature’s most breathtaking spectacles. The sheer force of cascading water, the mist that cools your skin, and the thunderous roar of water striking rock create an experience that feels almost magical. But beyond their visual and sensory appeal, waterfalls have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. A significant part … Lire la suite

La fessée nuit à l'avenir des enfants

spanking children

A significant body of research, spearheaded by Dr. Murray Straus, a respected sociologist and co-director of the Family Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire, raises critical concerns about the practice of spanking children. His extensive studies over four decades reveal that spanking not only impairs cognitive development but also increases the likelihood of … Lire la suite

Prostitution sacrée : Les mystères anciens dévoilés

prostitution sacrée

Lever le voile sur les mystères de la prostitution sacrée : Explorer l'ancienne pratique de la prostitution sacrée, depuis ses origines en Mésopotamie jusqu'à sa célèbre manifestation dans le culte d'Ishtar.

Qu'est-ce qu'une "fake news" ?

Qu'est-ce qu'une "fake news" ?

Qu'est-ce qu'une "fake news" ? Démêler la tapisserie historique des fausses nouvelles : Des récits anciens à la tromperie numérique moderne
