Disforia Sensitif Penolakan ADHD: Gejala, Penyebab & Pengobatan

adhd rsd

Selami dunia ADHD dan Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) yang kompleks, pelajari tentang: gejala, penyebab, dan pengobatan.

Psilocybin membendung alkoholisme

alkoholisme psilocybin

Key points psilocybin alcoholism study: Psilocybin consumption with therapy curbs alcohol cravings A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry shows that two doses of high potency psilocybin (a.k.a magic mushrooms), taken in combination with psychotherapy, curbs heavy drinking days among alcoholics by 83% compared with active placebo and psychotherapy. … Baca Selengkapnya
