Ancient Sexual Practices: Roman Bacchanalia

alte Sexualpraktiken

Next in our series on Ancient Sexual Practices, after discussing harems and eunuchs and their role in kings courts’ we have the Roman Bacchanalia. The Roman Bacchanalia is one of antiquity’s most infamous festivals, remembered for its intoxicating mix of revelry, debauchery, and political intrigue. Originating as a celebration of Bacchus, the Roman god of … Weiterlesen

Chastity Belt: 7 Ashtonishing Facts That Will Shock You

The chastity belt is a subject steeped in myth and misconception, often portrayed as a medieval device used to enforce female virtue through physical restraint. The image of a woman locked in an iron-clad device, her chastity safeguarded from infidelity, has become a symbol of male-dominated control and the obsession with sexual purity. Yet the … Weiterlesen

Heilige Prostitution: Uralte Geheimnisse enthüllt

geistliche Prostitution

Enthüllung der Geheimnisse der heiligen Prostitution: Erforschen Sie die uralte Praxis der heiligen Prostitution, von ihren Ursprüngen in Mesopotamien bis zu ihrer berühmten Manifestation im Ishtar-Kult.
