ahdistus aivot lomat ihmisen käyttäytyminen hyönteiset mielenterveys psykologia yhteiskunta

Pelottava tiede: Halloween Chills: The Mysteries Behind Halloween Chills

Pelottava tiede: Tutustu psykologisiin, fysiologisiin ja evolutiivisiin näkökohtiin, jotka tekevät pelosta Halloweenin keskeisen elementin!

covid gaslighting ihmisen käyttäytyminen mielenterveys psykologia yhteiskunta

Long COVID Medical Gaslighting: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You.

Read about the effects and consequences of medically gaslighting long covid sufferers, and how the situation can be improved

Dating ihmisen käyttäytyminen psykologia sosiaalinen media yhteiskunta

Bumble Sex Positiivisuus: Mitä se on?

What is Sex Positivity? Sex positivity is a social and cultural movement that promotes an open and affirmative attitude towards all aspects of human sexuality. It encourages the idea that consensual sexual expression, in all its forms, is healthy, natural, and a fundamental aspect of human identity and well-being. The sex positivity movement seeks to […]

rikos ihmisen käyttäytyminen psykologia yhteiskunta

Unmasking Serial Killers: The Dark Side of Compartmentalization

The Gilgo Beach killings, also known as the Long Island serial killings, unveiled a chilling tale of mystery and horror. As investigators searched for missing woman Shannan Gilbert in December 2010, they stumbled upon the remains of four women near Gilgo Beach. Subsequent efforts revealed ten victims, predominantly tied to the sex trade. Despite extensive […]

viestintäteoria ihmisen käyttäytyminen psykologia yhteiskunta työpsykologia

Symbolinen interaktionismi

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological and psychological theory that examines how individuals develop shared meanings and create social reality through communication and interaction. It focuses on the subjective interpretations and meanings that people give to symbols, gestures, and language in their interactions with others. Let’s explore this theory with some examples: Symbolic Interactionism: key people […]

Tekoälyn tuottama Tekoäly menee pieleen algoritmit keinotekoinen älykkyys rikos taloustiede yhteiskunta

The Dark Side of AI in Public Service

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, but as we increasingly rely on these technologies, it’s crucial that we ensure they are designed, implemented, and monitored in an ethical manner. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as numerous examples of the dark side of AI […]

Tekoälyn tuottama keinotekoinen älykkyys rikos Japani psykologia yhteiskunta

Japanilaiset sarjamurhaajat

In recent years, Japanese serial killers have captured the attention of people around the world. While Japan is known for its low crime rate, a number of high-profile serial killers have emerged from the country in recent decades. These individuals have left a lasting impact on Japanese society and have also contributed to the field […]

keinotekoinen älykkyys chatgpt tietojenkäsittely yhteiskunta

Death of the millenial: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords!

Death of the millenial content creator: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords! OpenAI have finally released their ChatGPT for public testing, and boy are the results amazing! Millennial content creators: beware! The AI will generate a response based on the questions or ‘’prompts’’ we have given it.The prompts we use will be in […]
