Billeder af kunstig intelligens: Omdefinering af kunst, kultur og medier
AI's indflydelse på kreativitet, kultur og medier: fra billeder af kunstig intelligens, der omdefinerer kunst, til dens rolle i skabelsen af indhold.
AI's indflydelse på kreativitet, kultur og medier: fra billeder af kunstig intelligens, der omdefinerer kunst, til dens rolle i skabelsen af indhold.
Religiøse kulter i antikke samfund: fra det antikke Grækenland til mysticisme, fremkomsten af kulter i Amerika og globaliseringen af internetbaserede bevægelser.
Learn about Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, its’ original 8 forms and the extended 12 types of intelligence, in the age of AI.
Delve into the Types of Artificial Intelligence: Its’ history, modern applications, and the ethical challenges AI brings
Emotional artificial intelligence: can AI get hungry?
Metaverse cults are becoming a reality. When thinking of cults, we usually think about charismatic cult leaders, people living in […]
In an innovative new study, researchers prompted and questioned ChatGPT to produce academic-style content. The researchers wrote the discussion section […]
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, but as we increasingly […]
Algorithms in ancient times When you think of algorithms, you’re probably thinking of Wall Street supercomputers whizzing around making thousands […]
The rise of Facebook (est. 2004) and Twitter (est. 2006), coupled with the coinciding increase in polarization, has been a […]