AIで生成 AIの誤作動 アルゴリズム 人工知能 犯罪 経済学 社会


Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, but as we increasingly rely on these technologies, it’s crucial that we ensure they are designed, implemented, and monitored in an ethical manner. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as numerous examples of the dark side of AI from around the world show. From the biased AI system used to predict crime in Chicago, to the AI-powered welfare assessments in Australia, and the use of AI in the criminal justice system in Germany, these technologies have too often perpetuated existing biases and inequalities. In this article, we will examine some of these examples […]



A quick Google news search yields some disturbing headlines but still no inflation explained: BBC‘’Cost of living: Japan inflation jumps to new 41-year high’’ Forbes‘’Is Inflation Created By Corporate Greed?’’ Bloomberg‘’China’s Reopening Comes With a $720 Billion Inflation Bomb’’ But what’s the deal with these price increases? In this article we’ll explain the negative and positive effects of inflation on a micro, meso, and macro economic level, as well as the role governments and central banks play in it, with examples. Inflation at the micro level At the micro level, inflation affects individuals and households as the cost-of-living. Negative effects include a decrease in purchasing power, where the same amount […]
