huumeet terveys psykologia sosiaalinen media tiktok

TikTokin vaara: TikTik: Potilaan vaikuttajat

Explore the Danger of TikTok patient influencers offering prescription drug advice. ethical dilemmas, pharmaceutical ties, and consequences.

linnut Dating evoluutio kasvisto ja eläimistö ihmisen käyttäytyminen persoonallisuustyypit psykologia suhteet yhteiskunta

Lintutesti: Uusi TikTok-trendi

Explore the bird test, from its roots in the Gottman Institute’s relationship research to becoming a viral TikTok trend.

viestintäteoria ihmisen käyttäytyminen psykologia

A Flirting Fiasco: The Tale of the TikTok Triangle Method

Flirting is a natural and fundamental aspect of human interaction, serving as a means of expressing interest and building connections with others. While various flirting techniques and methods exist, the most successful interactions are rooted in authenticity and genuine connection. This article discusses the TikTok Triangle Method, one of the latest TikTok trends reaching the […]
