Les méfaits cachés du gaslighting sur le lieu de travail

le gaslighting sur le lieu de travail

Gaslighting is a manipulative technique used by individuals to make others question their own perceptions and memories. While it is commonly associated with personal relationships, gaslighting can also occur in the workplace. This article will examine the signs of gaslighting in a professional setting, its impact on employees, and steps that can be taken to … Lire la suite

Jouer dur pour obtenir : l'essentiel

jouer dur pour obtenir

Playing hard to get can be a matic tactic Compartmentalization of self-representation is manifested via the hard-to-get tactic as a way of coping or defending a persons’ self-concept in different roles (e.g mother, lover, colleague) and preventing negative spillovers between the roles. Reasons why someone might be playing hard to get You’ve met someone, might … Lire la suite
