犯罪 カルト宗教 人間行動 心理学 ソーシャル・メディア ティクトク



アルゴリズム 人工知能 カルト宗教 メタバース


Metaverse cults are becoming a reality. When thinking of cults, we usually think about charismatic cult leaders, people living in isolated communities on remote farms, being subjected to manipulation, brainwashing and other forms of psychological (and physical) abuse. Not something any of us is ever likely to personally see or experience but safely through our television screens. But the invention of the Metaverse, with a little help from online polarization, has changed the way we interact with cults and has unwittingly turned us from passive viewers, to active members. What is a Cult? A cult can be broadly defined as a group or organization that exhibits certain characteristics, tactics, and […]
