AI generiert künstliche Intelligenz chatgpt

Kernfusion, erklärt von einer KI.

To celebrate our recent human scientific and technological milestones in one article: read about the history and progress in nuclear fusion research, as summarized by our new AI chat buddy from OpenAI! (P.s: we’ve added the headings, as we forgot to enter them in our prompt, and as always, our evaluation at the end is […]

künstliche Intelligenz chatgpt Berechnung Gesellschaft

Der Tod des Jahrtausends: Ein Hoch auf unsere neuen KI-Inhaltsersteller!

Death of the millenial content creator: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords! OpenAI have finally released their ChatGPT for public testing, and boy are the results amazing! Millennial content creators: beware! The AI will generate a response based on the questions or ‘’prompts’’ we have given it.The prompts we use will be in […]

Morbus Crohn Drogen Gut Colitis ulcerosa

Cannabis als Hoffnungsträger bei Colitis ulcerosa und Morbus Crohn

According to scientists, the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease could be effectively treated with cannabis-derived chemicals. Cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol, which can be found in the cannabis plant, have been shown to interact with the body’s system that regulates gut function in laboratory tests. Chrohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis One in 250 […]

Kinderpsychologie Gaslighting menschliches Verhalten geistige Gesundheit Psychologie

Narzisstische Eltern und Gaslighting bei Kindern

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Through this form of manipulation, someone wants to make you doubt your own thoughts or beliefs. This involves the narcissist distorting reality in order to keep his own ego and self-image high.Your beliefs are undermined and you begin to doubt yourself. By applying Gaslighting, you begin to doubt your […]

Bienen flora & fauna insekten

Die Lebenserwartung von Honigbienen sinkt rapide

Die Welt könnte bald von Serienmördern heimgesucht werden. Wie wir alle wissen, spielen Honigbienen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Ergreifung von Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein und anderen. Wenn wir jetzt nicht handeln, werden die Serienmörder die Oberhand gewinnen. Spaß beiseite: Die Lebensdauer von Honigbienen ist 50% kürzer als noch vor fünfzig Jahren. [...]
