不安 うつ病 薬物 歴史 サイケデリック 心理学 うつ病 トラウマ



うつ病 薬物 サイケデリック 心理学 うつ病 トラウマ



薬物 メンタルヘルス サイケデリック 心理学 うつ病 トラウマ


MDMA Ptsdセラピーのような革新的なセラピーの未来と、トラウマからの解放を求める人々への影響をご覧ください。

人間行動 メンタルヘルス サイケデリック 心理学


In the realm of covert government operations, few topics have ignited as much speculation and intrigue as the CIA mind control. The notion of manipulating human cognition to achieve strategic ends has sparked numerous rumors and conspiracy theories, with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) often at the center of these narratives. As history intertwines with speculation, the mysterious aura surrounding these tales has become a wellspring of inspiration for filmmakers, resulting in a collection of captivating movies that delve into the intricacies of mind control. Among these films, several stand out for their exploration of the moral and psychological dilemmas associated with such endeavors. “The Manchurian Candidate” (1962, 2004): This […]

アルコール使用障害 薬物 人間行動 メンタルヘルス サイケデリック 心理学


Key points psilocybin alcoholism study: Psilocybin consumption with therapy curbs alcohol cravings A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry shows that two doses of high potency psilocybin (a.k.a magic mushrooms), taken in combination with psychotherapy, curbs heavy drinking days among alcoholics by 83% compared with active placebo and psychotherapy. According to the study: ”participants were offered 12 weeks of manualized psychotherapy and were randomly assigned to receive psilocybin vs diphenhydramine during 2 day-long medication sessions at weeks 4 and 8. Outcomes were assessed over the 32-week double-blind period following the first dose of study medication. The study was conducted at 2 academic centers in […]
