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Ketamine use in the Ukraine War

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Explore the use of drugs in military contexts, from World War II’s Pervitin to ketamine use in the Ukraine war.

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ketamine ukraine

Throughout military history, various drugs have been explored for their potential impact on soldiers’ performance and mental well-being, ketamine therapy in Ukraine being the latest. Another notable example is Pervitin, a methamphetamine used by German forces during World War II to enhance alertness and endurance.

Ketamine has also been used in the sensational Tham Luang cave rescue in 2018. Ketamine played a vital role in sedating the twelve Thai boys and their soccer coach before navigating the treacherous underwater passages. The anesthetic properties of ketamine helped keep the boys calm and cooperative, reducing the risk of panic during the challenging rescue operation. This use of ketamine proved crucial in ensuring the safety of both the trapped individuals and the divers, contributing to the success of the mission and their safe extraction from the cave.

Ketamine use in Ukraine

According to a new article in the Economist, the use of ketamine is helping Ukranian soldiers deal with the stresses and aftermath of war.

”In early 2023, Ihor Kholodilo, a military psychologist and medic, survived a Russian tank shell hit while evacuating comrades. He suffered severe injuries, including eye and heart damage, leaving him with communication difficulties. Despite successful surgeries on his heart and vision, he struggled with a persistent stammer and slur. Traditional therapies failed, but a chance encounter with Vladislav Matrenitsky, a pioneer in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, changed everything. Matrenitsky suggested ketamine, and after a few sessions, Kholodilo’s stammer significantly improved, along with other mental health issues.

Ketamine therapy involves a psychotherapist guiding the patient through a ketamine-induced experience to access and process subconscious traumas. According to Matrenitsky, about a third of patients experience “extremely good” results, another third achieve “reasonably good” outcomes, with rare bad reactions.

While the military has not formally embraced ketamine therapy, some decentralized units in Ukraine’s armed forces are reportedly experimenting with it. Kholodilo believes that introducing ketamine therapy could enhance soldiers’ effectiveness and resilience, allowing them to return to the front lines more quickly. Despite potential moral concerns, proponents argue that soldiers who accept the risk of death may become more effective warriors with a greater chance of survival.”

Read the full article here.

Military Drug Use

pervitin world war 2

During World War II, the German military issued Pervitin, a form of methamphetamine, to soldiers to enhance alertness and endurance. While initially effective in keeping troops awake and focused, the negative consequences of Pervitin, including addiction and adverse health effects, became apparent over time. The use of such stimulants during the war underscored the ethical and practical challenges associated with using drugs in military contexts.

Psychedelic Treatments

Psychedelics like ketamine, MDMA, and psilocybin have shown promise in addressing mental health issues, including alcoholism, depression, PTSD, and anxiety-related illnesses.


ketamine in ukraine for ptsd

Ketamine, primarily used as an anesthetic, has shown promise in addressing mental health disorders. Ketamine use in Ukraine, as in the case of Ihor Kholodilo, helped alleviate symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The dissociative effects of ketamine can potentially enable individuals to confront and process traumatic experiences, leading to significant improvements in mental well-being. Ongoing research explores its applications beyond anesthesia, focusing on mental health treatments.


mdma for ptsd

MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, has been studied for its therapeutic potential in controlled settings. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy has demonstrated positive outcomes, particularly in treating PTSD. The drug’s ability to enhance trust, empathy, and emotional openness during therapy sessions can contribute to more effective therapeutic interventions. Despite its recreational reputation, research highlights its potential in addressing specific mental health challenges.


psilocybin alcoholism

Psilocybin, found in certain mushrooms, has garnered attention for its potential in mental health treatment. Studies suggest that psilocybin-assisted therapy may be effective in addressing conditions like depression, anxiety, alcoholism and end-of-life distress. The psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin is believed to facilitate introspection and emotional processing, potentially providing relief from persistent mental health challenges.

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations

While these substances show therapeutic promise, ethical and regulatory considerations are paramount. Long-term effects, potential for abuse, and individual responses require careful study. The use of such substances in military contexts raises moral and legal questions. Responsible and evidence-based approaches, along with comprehensive research, are essential to navigate the complexities of integrating psychedelics into mental health treatments for service members. Balancing potential benefits with ethical considerations is crucial in developing effective and responsible interventions.

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