ahdistus aivot gaslighting ihmisen käyttäytyminen Japani mielenterveys narsismi psykologia

ダークエンパス: ダーク・エンパス共感することの邪悪な側面を解き明かす


adhd alkoholin käyttöhäiriö ahdistus autismi aivot lastenpsykologia dementia masennus gaslighting ihmisen käyttäytyminen tiedustelu mielenterveys psykologia suhteet yhteiskunta työpsykologia

ADHD hylkäämisherkkä dysforia: oireet, syyt ja hoidot

Tutustu ADHD:n ja hylkäämisherkän dysforian (RSD) monimutkaiseen maailmaan ja opi lisää: oireista, syistä ja hoidoista.

ihmisen käyttäytyminen mielenterveys psykologia

Synkkä empaatti: Empatian pahaenteinen puoli: Empatian pahaenteisen puolen paljastaminen

The Dark Empath, a fascinating and enigmatic breed, possess a unique blend of empathy and manipulation. They navigate the shadows of human emotions with deceptive finesse, capable of harnessing the power of empathy for malevolent purposes. Unlike their empathic counterparts, dark empaths utilize their heightened sensitivity to exploit and control others. This intriguing phenomenon reveals […]

gaslighting psykologia

When your Doctor doesn’t believe you: Medical Gaslighting in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a complex and debilitating condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. Sadly, many patients with CFS encounter an additional hurdle in their healthcare journey: the disbelief of doctors. This phenomenon can create a situation of medical gaslighting experienced by CFS patients. Let’s explore this narrative to gain a deeper understanding of the […]

gaslighting psykologia

When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You: Navigating Medical Gaslighting

When we go to the doctor, we expect to be heard, understood, and treated with respect. But for many patients, this isn’t always the case. When doctors dismiss or invalidate our experiences and symptoms, it can leave us feeling frustrated, confused, and even gaslit. This phenomenon, known as medical gaslighting, can have serious consequences for […]

kultit Japani

Mielenhallinta: Kulttijohtajien käyttämät manipulointitekniikat.

Cults have long been a source of fascination and fear in society. From the Jonestown massacre to the recent arrests of NXIVM leaders, the actions of these groups often leave people scratching their heads and wondering how anyone could fall under the spell of such dangerous and delusional individuals. In order to truly comprehend the […]

gaslighting psykologia työpsykologia

Työpaikalla tapahtuvan kaasuvalostelun piilohaitat

Gaslighting is a manipulative technique used by individuals to make others question their own perceptions and memories. While it is commonly associated with personal relationships, gaslighting can also occur in the workplace. This article will examine the signs of gaslighting in a professional setting, its impact on employees, and steps that can be taken to […]

kultit Japani

Kultin manipulointitaktiikat: Kulttimiehet: Miten kultit kontrolloivat jäseniä

Kulttien manipulointitaktiikat: miksi ihmiset liittyvät kultteihin?

lastenpsykologia gaslighting ihmisen käyttäytyminen mielenterveys psykologia

Narcissistic parents and gaslighting in children

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Through this form of manipulation, someone wants to make you doubt your own thoughts or beliefs. This involves the narcissist distorting reality in order to keep his own ego and self-image high.Your beliefs are undermined and you begin to doubt yourself. By applying Gaslighting, you begin to doubt your […]

gaslighting ihmisen käyttäytyminen mielenterveys psykologia työpsykologia

Gaslighting: meaning, symptoms, examples, recognition and prevention.

In gaslighting, someone distorts the truth in order to get someone to increasingly doubt themselves. This can give the gaslighter power over them because, the more insecure the victim is, the more he or she relies on and becomes dependent on the gaslighter.Where does the term ‘gaslighting’ come from? And how do you recognise it? […]
