人工知能 コンピューティング ロボティクス



インテリジェンス 職場心理学


Emotional intelligence (in the workplace), often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), is a concept of intelligence that encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves a set of skills and abilities that contribute to building and maintaining healthy relationships, making sound decisions, and navigating social situations with empathy and awareness. What is Emotional Intelligence? There are typically five components of emotional intelligence in the workplace: What is My Emotional Intelligence? Recognizing your level of emotional intelligence can be a valuable self-awareness exercise. Here are some indicators that can help you assess whether you have low, […]

インテリジェンス 心理学 職場心理学


Intelligence types are a multifaceted and complex cognitive phenomenon. Over the years, various methods have been developed to measure and understand intelligence. These approaches include traditional standardized IQ tests that assess logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, as well as more modern theories that emphasize multiple forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and practical skills. Each approach offers a unique perspective on how to quantify and comprehend the diverse ways in which individuals demonstrate intellectual prowess and potential. In the quest to understand and measure this intricate trait, several approaches have been developed, each offering a distinct perspective on what constitutes intelligence and how it can be assessed. Intelligence Types There are […]
