¿Puede un niño sufrir una sobredosis de gominolas de melatonina?

¿Puede un niño sufrir una sobredosis de gominolas de melatonina?

"Introducir la melatonina a una edad temprana también podría tener otra consecuencia no deseada, dijo Hartstein: Podría enviar el mensaje de que, si tienes problemas para dormir, una pastilla es la respuesta"

Esperanza cannábica para la colitis ulcerosa y la enfermedad de Crohn

cannabis colitis ulcerosa

According to scientists, the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease could be effectively treated with cannabis-derived chemicals. Cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol, which can be found in the cannabis plant, have been shown to interact with the body’s system that regulates gut function in laboratory tests. Chrohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis One in 250 … Leer más

La psilocibina frena el alcoholismo

psilocibina alcoholismo

Key points psilocybin alcoholism study: Psilocybin consumption with therapy curbs alcohol cravings A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry shows that two doses of high potency psilocybin (a.k.a magic mushrooms), taken in combination with psychotherapy, curbs heavy drinking days among alcoholics by 83% compared with active placebo and psychotherapy. … Leer más

Tratamiento con ketamina para la depresión

salud mental

As of 2022, ketamine has been around for over 60 years. Ketamine therapy for depression is a relatively recent topic in science and in this article we’ll delve a little deeper in ketamine’s origins and historical (and current) uses and the promise ketamine infusion holds not only as a fast acting treatment therapy for depression, … Leer más
