covid gaslighting menneskelig adfærd mental sundhed Psykologi samfund

Long COVID Medical Gaslighting: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You.

Read about the effects and consequences of medically gaslighting long covid sufferers, and how the situation can be improved

gaslighting Psykologi

When your Doctor doesn’t believe you: Medical Gaslighting in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a complex and debilitating condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. Sadly, many patients with CFS encounter an additional hurdle in their healthcare journey: the disbelief of doctors. This phenomenon can create a situation of medical gaslighting experienced by CFS patients. Let’s explore this narrative to gain a deeper understanding of the […]

gaslighting Psykologi

Når din læge ikke tror på dig: At navigere i medicinsk gaslighting

Når vi går til lægen, forventer vi at blive hørt, forstået og behandlet med respekt. Men for mange patienter er det ikke altid tilfældet. Når læger afviser eller ugyldiggør vores oplevelser og symptomer, kan det få os til at føle os frustrerede, forvirrede og endda gasset. Dette fænomen, kendt som medicinsk gaslighting, kan have alvorlige konsekvenser for [...]
